Eagle Forum Education Center
7800 Bonhomme Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63105
office (314) 721-1213
email info@efeldf.org

About Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund

Phyllis Schlafly founded Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund in 1981 to advance traditional American values and our constitutional system of limited government. Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund is a tax-exempt §501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, organized under the laws of Illinois.

Legal Briefs and Comments

This website houses legal briefs and comments that Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund has filed with state and federal courts and agencies.

Additional Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund's websites:

  • Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund's Facebook page;
  • Phyllis Schlafly Eagles' .com website (pseagles.com);
  • Phyllis Schlafly Eagles' .org website (pseagles.org).